Tips for transplanting and reproducing a jasmine

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Aria Cooper

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As we have to make a good planting hole for the jasmine transplant, the first thing we have to do is to protect our feet and hands and take the hoe to make the hole that will vary depending on the size of our jasmine, but big enough to fit the root ball without problems.

When transplanting the root ball we must be careful that the root ball does not move. In our case we have a very good quality substrate, but if not, we can add some universal substrate and organic matter such as manure. Until the jasmine takes hold, in about two or three weeks, we have to water it frequently, which we will reduce as the plant grows.We will also apply liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water once a month in spring and summer.

Jasmine reproduction

To reproduce the jasmine we will use the technique of layering. This is to stick a stem in the ground, sometimes it happens naturally, and, being underground, it begins to sprout again and take root. When the new plant begins to have stems and grow, it can be cut and get a new jasmine plant.

Do not worry if at first it seems that it does not grow much, it is because it is difficult for them to get used to their new space, but after two years it will begin to grow and bloom without stopping. Enjoy your new jasmine after transplanting the root ball or its reproduction by layering.

Aria Cooper is a passionate food enthusiast and an accomplished writer who has been sharing her love for all things culinary through her blog, Blog about Food. With a background in nutrition and a natural flair for storytelling, Aria combines her knowledge and creativity to provide readers with engaging, informative, and mouthwatering content. Her unique perspective on food, combined with a genuine appreciation for diverse cuisines and flavors, ensures that her blog is a treasure trove of delectable recipes, insightful articles, and entertaining food anecdotes. Whether she's experimenting with new ingredients, exploring local food scenes, or delving into food history, Aria's authentic voice and dedication to her craft make her blog a must-read for food lovers from all walks of life.