Types of knives, care and uses in the kitchen

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Aria Cooper

Knife types and uses in the kitchen

Cooking knife

Wide-bladed knives with a strong and stable edge. Multi-purpose for cleaning, cutting and chopping vegetables.

Ham knife

Knives with a long, flexible and thin blade, with a smooth edge, used to cut ham and large pieces of meat.

Boning knife

Knives with a thin, curved blade with a smooth edge, used to remove bones from pieces of meat.

Steak knife

Knives with thin but strong blades, used to cut steaks, chops and roasted meats.

Santoku knife

Knives with wide and sharp blades with non-stick pockets are multi-purpose, used to prepare vegetables, fish and meat.

Vegetable knife

Small knife with a strong blade and smooth edge, used for cutting and peeling vegetables and fruits.

Bread knife

Knives with long, strong blades and wavy edges, with teeth that effortlessly break the crust of bread.

Peeler knife

Small, light, sharp-pointed knives used for peeling fruits, vegetables and tubers.

How to keep knives in good condition

  • After using Do not leave them immersed in water for a long time, especially in the case of saline water, which affects the metal.
  • To wash knives use a neutral or slightly alkaline detergent, avoid products containing chlorine or chlorine bleach that damage the steel and remove the natural shine of the knife and also abrasive, metallic or synthetic scouring pads or cleaners.
  • If you wash the knives in the dishwasher Place them blade-side down in the cutlery baskets separately from plates and glasses to avoid chafing. Remove knives from the dishwasher at the end of the cycle and dry them with a cloth.
  • To prevent corrosion do not leave the knives wet, always dry them with a soft absorbent cloth, even after drying them in the dishwasher.

Aria Cooper is a passionate food enthusiast and an accomplished writer who has been sharing her love for all things culinary through her blog, Blog about Food. With a background in nutrition and a natural flair for storytelling, Aria combines her knowledge and creativity to provide readers with engaging, informative, and mouthwatering content. Her unique perspective on food, combined with a genuine appreciation for diverse cuisines and flavors, ensures that her blog is a treasure trove of delectable recipes, insightful articles, and entertaining food anecdotes. Whether she's experimenting with new ingredients, exploring local food scenes, or delving into food history, Aria's authentic voice and dedication to her craft make her blog a must-read for food lovers from all walks of life.