Pocha beans with clams

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Aria Cooper

Ingredients (4 persons):

  • 400 gr of white beans pochas (shelled)
  • 1/2 k of clams
  • 1/2 red bell pepper
  • 1 spring onion
  • 1 tomato
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 100 ml of txakoli
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • 1 piece of chili pepper
  • parsley

Elaboration of the recipe of Pochas with clams:

Pour the txakoli in a casserole dish and heat it. Rinse the clams and add them. Cover and wait for them to open. Set them aside and reserve the broth.

Put the beans in a casserole, cover with water, season and cook them together with the chili pepper for about 30 minutes.

Peel and chop the garlic cloves and sauté them in a pan with a drizzle of oil. Chop the spring onion and the bell pepper and add them. Season. When they are well fried, peel the tomato, chop and add it. Cook everything together for 10 minutes.

Transfer the vegetables to a blender, pour in the liquid from opening the clams and blend well with an electric mixer. Add everything to the pot of beans and cook over low heat for 15 more minutes. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. Add the clams and bring to a brief boil. Serve.

Nutritional information of the recipe:

Healthy and nutritious dish recommended for everyone and especially for people with constipation, anemia and cholesterol problems.

It is a dish cooked in a healthy way that can be part of a slimming menu, since the presence of fat is low.

Dish that provides energy and quality proteins, cooked with little fat, being very suitable for its composition for the athlete.

This dish is recommended for pregnant women, as the beans are rich in folate, a vitamin necessary for the proper development of the fetus. They also provide fiber that helps prevent constipation and also have iron, although of worse assimilation than iron of animal origin. In this dish they are accompanied by clams, a food rich in iron. For this reason, this dish is recommended.to prevent constipation and anemia in pregnant women.

The presence of chives, garlic and red bell pepper improves the supply of vitamins and antioxidants that enhance our health and are necessary for a correct metabolism.

White wine in our recipes adds flavor to dishes without adding calories. As the alcohol evaporates, it is also advisable for children and pregnant women.



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Aria Cooper is a passionate food enthusiast and an accomplished writer who has been sharing her love for all things culinary through her blog, Blog about Food. With a background in nutrition and a natural flair for storytelling, Aria combines her knowledge and creativity to provide readers with engaging, informative, and mouthwatering content. Her unique perspective on food, combined with a genuine appreciation for diverse cuisines and flavors, ensures that her blog is a treasure trove of delectable recipes, insightful articles, and entertaining food anecdotes. Whether she's experimenting with new ingredients, exploring local food scenes, or delving into food history, Aria's authentic voice and dedication to her craft make her blog a must-read for food lovers from all walks of life.