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Eliminating mold in the bathroom is not only a question of aesthetics, but also of health. To avoid its appearance, it is very important to clean frequently, at least once a week. If you notice that even when cleaning the tiles, there is mold on the walls and in the bathtub, it may be a problem caused by lack of ventilation.
To avoid the appearance of humidity and, consequently, mold, it is essential to ventilate the bathroom daily and after every shower. The reason is very simple: when we take a shower, air condenses. If the air in the bathroom is too humid, it can condense. condensation is not released, it ends up settling on the walls, ceilings and furniture of the bathroom, which is growth of mold, fungi and other bacteria .
Recommendations for removing mold and moisture from the bathroom
For eliminating mold, mildew and damp stains For the cleaning of the bathtub, tiles and ceiling you only need some of these products: bleach and liquid ammonia. Both products are very cheap and you can buy them in any supermarket or drugstore.
- Never mix bleach and ammonia for cleaning. Mixing bleach and ammonia is dangerous for your health, as it generates vapors that are very toxic, so always use them separately.
- Use latex gloves or rubber to clean the bathroom.
- Ventilate your bathroom daily and after every shower.
- Use these products diluted in cold water and avoid contact with nose, eyes and mouth.
Moisture due to condensation causes mold in the joints of the bathroom tiles, the bathtub or shower tray and in the base units of the bathroom or kitchen. To avoid its appearance, it is best to wipe the bathroom with a cloth dampened in bleach when you do the weekly cleaning of the bathroom.
The presence of mold in the bathroom indicates serious moisture problems in this room, so keep an eye on it.
Removing mold and mildew with bleach
Bleach is the most effective disinfectant to get rid of that mold that has appeared in your bathroom. To get rid of that mold (and incidentally the bacteria and yellow stains) follow these steps :
- 1. In an aerosol or spray bottle pour 2 cups of cold water plus one capful of bleach It can be pure bleach or with detergent. Shake the mixture.
- 2. Spray the product on joints, tiles, bathtub and other furniture that have been affected.
- 3. Let the product act as follows 10 to 15 minutes At this time, the bleach will kill the mold at the root.
- Rub with a sponge or brush and rinse with plenty of cold water.
Try to do this cleaning with the window or door open, as bleach gives off quite a strong odor. And remember, always wear gloves.
You can also use a cloth or brush to remove mildew from bathroom walls and tiles.
Removing mold with ammonia
It follows a process similar to that of bleach or chlorine. In a sprayer add: one capful of liquid ammonia and cold water Spray the solution on the areas where there is mold and let it act for a few minutes. 10 to 15 minutes Afterwards, sponge or wipe with a cloth and rinse with plenty of cold water and the surface of your bathtub will be as good as new!
- Council Open doors and windows and wear gloves when cleaning.
For prevent mold and mildew Remember to ventilate the bathroom daily and clean it frequently. Avoid leaving the shower or bathtub with water in it for long periods of time.
Once you have removed the mildew, if you opt for an eco-friendly cleaning, you can clean bathroom tiles and furniture with a solution of hot water, white vinegar and the juice of 1 lemon. It's a guaranteed clean!
Mold appears when a bathroom lacks ventilation.
Removing mold with baking soda
Baking soda is another of our favorite household cleaning products. In the case of the bathtub, in addition to eliminating mildew, it will remove yellow stains and scale. If you choose to remove mildew from the bathtub with baking soda, follow this process:
- In a spray or glass bottle mix 1/4 cup of warm water plus 3/4 cup of white vinegar . Add three tablespoons of baking soda to the mixture. and stir vigorously so that the ingredients are integrated.
- Once ready, pour it directly on the mildew stains and let it stand for 30 minutes.
- After the time has elapsed, with a sponge or toothbrush, rub over the black stains in the bathtub and rinse with plenty of hot water.
- Finally, open the windows so that the bathtub dries and that's it.
And finally, have you ever seen a small, elongated, gray insect in your bathroom? Does it flee and hide under the furniture when you turn on the light? It's a damp bug or silverfish! And to eliminate them, proper ventilation and good cleaning are also essential.